The leaders of the center for additional education for children and adults decided to update the brand for their anniversary. The main task was to create a strategy and brand identity that strengthened the center’s position in the current market and became a competitive franchise for the market of neighboring countries.

The topic of children's education is quite broad, affecting children, parents, teachers, society as a whole, and also varies greatly in different countries. We started communicating with target audiences and encountered very deep and emotional insights.

Children shared their thoughts about the future, parents worried and paid attention to the relationship between teacher and child, and experts assessed the situation as a whole.

The child wants to be ready for life, and the parent wants to find a place where the child really develops. The school ceases to be the only source of knowledge, the world demands critically thinking people, and the role of the “teacher” turns into the role of a “facilitator”. The pressure of all these factors led us to a new brand idea.

The brand idea is an exploratory spirit.

Knowledge, when acquired with an orientation toward action and the development of universal competencies, becomes a source of strength in a wide variety of life and professional situations.

Unleash curiosity, allow children to move in new directions according to their own interests.

Arouse the excitement of research, make everything a subject of clarification and study, promote their independent mental activity, and develop metacognition.

When developing the identity, special attention was paid to navigation along the directions of the center and various circles. The style uses many colors, their combinations and gradient solutions. The communication is based on the slogan “We raise happy adults” and the positioning that we have defined for the brand.

Diverse and non-standard education, where the disclosure of the child’s characteristics becomes the basis of his future independence.
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